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Home> analysis meter >> analytical instrument >> PHS-3Cprecision PH meter
  • Introduction
  • Specifications
Used in petroleum chemical, mining metallurgy, mechanical health, environmental detection and other departments for PH and temperature measuring
1.instrument level: 0.01
2.measuring range:pH:(0.00~14.00)pH ,mV:(-1999~1999)mV ,temperature: (0.0~100.0)℃
3.resolution: pH:0.01pH ,mV:1mV ,temperature:0.1℃
4.basic error: pH:±0.01pH±1 bytes,mV:±0.1%±1 bytes(FS),temperature: ±0.5℃±1 bytes
5.input resistance: 1×1012Ω
6.stability: ±0.01pH±1 bytes/3h
7.temperature compensation: (0.0~100.0)℃
8.temperature of measured solution: 0~60)℃